We are so blessed to welcome our beautiful little girl to our family!! She is such a joy and delight (like her name!:) I want to share the etymology of her name. Robert and I chose her name based on the obvious reason of thinking it is beautiful, but also for the characteristics described by what her name means. It is amazing to look at her and all ready see her fitting her name so well. We realize how blessed we are and cherish you all so much for the way in which you have surrounded us with your love, support and prayers. Here are a few pictures of our family!
She is a Radiant Light
for her life will shine with
Elegance and Grace
She is the joy of her Father
He rejoices over her for she
is a gift and delight
A famed warrior for her faith
who will never be
overcome in battle
YEAHHHH! Your home... I want to come over, I want to come over... lets take LOTS and LOTS of pictures. Truly she is a beauty!! I can just see all those pink dresses and bows and blankets coming her way... like a paraded dowry! Congrats to all of you....
Now relax in that Cadillac of a rocking chair... and reach for that book next to you... yeah right... your lucky if you get ahold of that book in the coming months... well it was worth hoping for right?!
We are SOOOO very happy for you all!!
Girl we gotta pimp up your site... lets get together!!
Plus I need an excuse to see this little girlie!!
oh I am soooo jealous... you have mazzy star on your playlist!! That reminds me of high school...whew!! Love the new digs here... it really is like playing a video game... its like SIMS- but productive!!
I hope the fam is well and I look forward to sitting in the sunroom with you in the near future!!
I feel so blessed to have all of you in my life! God has been so good to me in so many ways...and sending you into my life has been such a wonderful, truely amazing gift! Eveylyn is beautiful and she shines her light already...and of coarse we all know how I feel about "Little Man"!:)
I love you all.
This is an amazing website
Thanks so much for sharing your family.
I love you
Linda Cooper
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