November 12, 2010


Some of our favorite family times include playing a variety of games. The duck duck goose games is currently the favorite - and it gets played at least 2 times every day (the duckings are looking a little rough:). These are just a few pics to capture the many moments of doing what we love - playing and learning.

Woody and Jessie

I love getting awesome deals! I walked by a Jessie costume 90% off at Walmart and couldn't resist - I'm so glad I got it because when I got home the kiddos went crazy! They loved them (I had to then purchase a woody pj set w/ a $1 store cowboy hat to match Jessie's getup:)! Actually, they even slept in them last night-too cute. Must say again - I love this stage!

October 20, 2010

Our Zoo...Well more so..Our kids

So I was going to the zoo to take pictures of the kids and animals and as you can see it wound up just being pics of the kids;). I just can't take my eyes off them in order to take a picture of anything else. They take my breath away.

The Journey Begins....

My little man had his first class in martial arts. As part of the Lewis family there are three musts..#1 - you must go to church #2 - you must go to school and #3 you must do karate. I guess when they are 18 they can decide for themselves..but hopefully by then all three will be so instilled that it is part of their character and who they are. I am excited to see him follow his daddy's footsteps one front stance after another.

ZOO Days

One of our many stops on our regular trips to tulsa is the ZOO! We absolutely love it! The kids rode the camel by without one of us for the first time on this trip! They were elated! It always amazes me at how much joy I get from just watching them love life!

October 12, 2010

Our AWESOME Big Sister!

Evelyn is so compassionate. The gift she is to our family and to Alivia and Johnathon is captured in her everyday interaction with them. She consistantly looks out for their best interest. I have not seen a child so in tune with others around her. The minute Johnathon is in need of anything - from a toy to be picked up to him getting hurt - she is always the first to help (sometimes Johnathon gets a little spoiled and I have to remind him that he does have to do his own work even when sis is so willing;). She is the exact same way with Alivia and even myself. She is my sidekick in the kitchen and through out the day. I love her heart and am amazed by it - just as beautiful of a girl that she is on the outside is (which sometimes she stops me in my tracks with a look) she is breathtaking on the inside. I can't wait to get to know her as a girl, teen, young lady and as a woman. I am blessed to be her mom and am loving every moment.

Alivia the Beautiful


Go Johnathon GO!!

Due to the Deigo series..we are now on rescue duty of all animals! Meet our first rescue - Sammy the turtle. Sammy's story is very simple. He was trying to cross a road in which he could be squashed. He was spotted and rescued! He was then kept in captivity for observation for 2 days after which he was returned to his family in Aunt Barb's backyard:)! Personally - I think we deserve a rescue patch!