October 20, 2010

The Journey Begins....

My little man had his first class in martial arts. As part of the Lewis family there are three musts..#1 - you must go to church #2 - you must go to school and #3 you must do karate. I guess when they are 18 they can decide for themselves..but hopefully by then all three will be so instilled that it is part of their character and who they are. I am excited to see him follow his daddy's footsteps one front stance after another.


Anonymous said...

He is getting so big! That is awesome that he's taking karate, he'll do so well :)
I definitely enjoy your posts and pictures... they are all growing so big, and it's nice to see Alivia...
I don't know if it's just me, but I think she looks like Jonathon!

Anonymous said...

How come I am always spelling his name wrong?? HaHa