May 17, 2012

Honey, this one's for you...

Monday, May 14th 2012 We celebrated our 7th year of marriage. WOW! That seems so incredibly close to a decade:)...what was my life before you? As I sit here and have only a few moments of silence the thought that keeps running through my mind is do you have any idea of the true gift you are to me? I say this because as our daughter takes a bath and the other two holler for me, I realize how incredibly fast life is going and how much of our daily life can become survival and productivity of family, business and the constant strive to move forward. I am so thankful for this path..the one you and I only get to travel. For the people who love us and we love. Who have impacted our lives..but most of all my love.. I want you to know, my best partner...I couldn't nor would I want to do this life without you. You have seen the depths of who I am and have stayed;)'re consistency of love and steadfastness keeps me steady in my emotional ups and downs and crazy remodel "let's do everything in one day" moments. You're hulkness keeps me feeling girly and small no matter what:). Your huge hands are always there to hold mine as we walk and talk and travel this life together side by side. I love falling for you again and again. Your big brown eyes do that to me. Thank you for fighting with me..for staying here physically, mentally and spiritually..for fighting for me..for sticking it out to see the mountain tops and for leading me through the valleys. A decade sounds like a lord of the rings trip...but the I know our  journey will pass so quickly that we will soon be 80 watching our babies having babies. I so look forward to every moment, every kiss, every part of this adventure with you. I love you love. Happy 7th Honey!

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