July 27, 2008

Family of FOUR!!

We are so blessed to welcome our beautiful little girl to our family!! She is such a joy and delight (like her name!:) I want to share the etymology of her name. Robert and I chose her name based on the obvious reason of thinking it is beautiful, but also for the characteristics described by what her name means. It is amazing to look at her and all ready see her fitting her name so well.  We realize how blessed we are and cherish you all so much for the way in which you have surrounded us with your love, support and prayers. Here are a few pictures of our family! 

She is a Radiant Light
for her life will shine with 
Elegance and Grace

She is the joy of her Father
He rejoices over her for she
is a gift and delight

A famed warrior for her faith
who will never be 
overcome in battle

July 21, 2008

Pics of Johnathon

These are just a couple of pics that I've been meaning to share! He is so handsome! I can't believe how much he has changed of the past couple of months! Robert and I both are enjoying the journey of him growing up so much and yet are so amazed at how fast the time is flying! 

Evelyn's room and my tummy!:)

Since I can't give everyone a tour of this great room, I thought you could at least admire the pictures~:)!! Robert did a fantastic job! He is going to be such an awesome daddy to our little girl! * I think that I'm about 37 weeks in the pictures, so you can imagine the way I'm waddling now!:)


As most of you know our little man had his first stitches Last Saturday (12th) and had them removed this past Friday. He is such a trooper! Honestly, we could hardly tell there was anything wrong with him while he had them in, outside of him not liking his hand wrapped. We are so thankful that it wasn't any worse and it is healing up nicely! Thanks for all of the prayers!:) We went to the pool twice this weekend (he wasn't allowed to get in the water while he had them in) to make up for lost time!:) 
The pic is taken in Evelyn's room! There will be other pics to look at if you want a peek of what the finished product looks like! My hubby spent 40 hrs just painting it!! I'm so proud of his work!