October 23, 2009

Riding Horses

Both of our kids love riding horses, so at the Pumpkin patch - when we knew it was an option - of course we stood in line for the tickets and got our kids on them. It wouldn't suprize me if we don't wind up in FFH the way the both of them adore anything that has four legs:).

Adorable Cute Baby!

This is a dear friend of our family. Judah. Isn't he just precious!! He seemed to have just as much fun at the pumpkin patch even when he's just watching;).

Pumpkin Patch with our COUSINS!!

My brother met us with his family at the Bixby Pumpkin Patch! My son couldn't pick a better gift then hanging with his cousins, which is exactly how we like it. I can't wait to see how close they are as they grow up! Here's some pics of our cuties, the best gifts we could have ever wished for!