August 17, 2008


Really I don't need to say anything...these pictures say it all! I am so excited about the relationship my kids will get to have with their cousins! McKenzie and Johnathon are so cute! They just loved hanging out together and it was hard to make them seperate. These were taken at the zoo on my mom's birthday; Enjoy! 

Happy Birthday Mom!

My mom's birthday was Saturday...(Happy Birthday Mom!!) we all got together to celebrate! For the Brown family that equals 6 adults and 4 kids 3 and under. You can imagine the looks we usually get from the waitress! I must brag though on the service at Casa Bonita; the staff was so wonderful and helpful! So, we got to sing Happy Birthday to my 49 year old mom (who happens to look like she's 30:) and hang out at the zoo for some great memories and wonderful family time. The zoo blog though will be a totally different posting just because of how precious my niece and son are!:) Thanks mom for everything you do and have done...we all love you very much!

Yee Haw!!

Our very first rodeo experience happened this past weekend on Friday night! We had the opportunity to hang out with some great friends and watch some amazing talent. Johnathon was in awe of the horses, and I was in awe of roping cattle (I've never witnessed that before...I kept thinking...poor calf:). It was a wonderful night and such a great trip! 

Life Lessons

On Wednesday of this past week my little man found out how to get to my spices!:) He chose the black pepper, then went on to open it and spread it all over the kitchen floor....when I came around the corner I almost missed taking these pictures for the fact that when I first saw the mess I was a little frustrated to say the least... but I stepped back, laughed, grabbed my camera then had my little man help me clean it up. For life is in the little moments and lessons.. his lesson for today: what we mess up we must clean up. My lesson:Stop, Relax and Enjoy... Messes can wait for a little while; enjoy these moments of life with my children...this stage will be gone too quickly!

August 7, 2008


We have been so blessed to have my mom come up and stay for the week! Yesterday it was a really nice 83 degrees outside and we took advantage of it by going to our local zoo and park! 

At home Fun

Johnathon had Robert pushing him all over the yard in his little car! He is definitely looking forward to driving one day; actually I think we're both looking forward to Johnathon getting old enough for one of those motorized little cars:). They both had a great time, but with it being 100 degrees outside, we decided to move the entertainment indoors! These little tykes slides are such a great idea! We all get the chance to play without roasting in the afternoon heat! 

Curly Locks

This is one of the only shots that I've taken in which you can see those gorgeous curly locks!! She is such a joy to have - what an amazing blessing! 

August 1, 2008

Water Times

Yesterday we gave our little girl her first sponge bath...her dark curly locks are beautiful. I am astounded by how fast my children are growing up. 
Johnathon has always loved his water time! I was washing off a stroller with our garden hose when my little man decided that he would like to be a firefighter! His joy is so contagous that we wound up using enough water to soak our ourselves completely and the weeds(too bad weeds don't drown!). 
Evelyn has the most thoughtful expressions, I love spending girl time just staring at her!