July 23, 2012


When I think about my greatest success in this life one word comes to mind..family. Ironically the word family also comes to mind when I think of my greatest failures. For who knows my joys, sorrows, weaknesses and strengths more than my husband and my 3 kids? It's humbling to think about all the times I have not been in attitude or action what I should have been...reflecting Christ at all times. Yet I can so easily get prideful on the times that we shine...where I literally say in my heart - yes that's exactly where when and how the situation should have been handled and Christ was glorified! Hallelujah! What an amazing journey it is to be part of a family. What a challenge it is to help lead one! I truly don't think anything can come close to molding us more like Christ than being an active part of our family if we allow it.
 When we took these family pictures I was more on the failure side of family hood. Dressing the kiddos, getting everyone fed, trying to beat the heat and get to the location on time had left me stressed and irritated over something that didn't need to be...yet when I look at them in these pictures I can't help but just see love. I see my steady man by my side, my beautiful kids forgiving my impatience and loving me like God does and the beautiful blessing inside me that is God's way of saying..I believe in you, you are more..I have you.. lean on me.. quite your spirit and look around. You are blessed beyond measure. So..thank you to my tiny treasures who will one day read this..I love you my loves. To my man.. I'm sorry my shortcomings show themselves so often...thank you for your steadfastness and love... I love you more than those words are capable of expressing. And thank you Lord for your gentle yet firm ways of always giving me opportunities again and again to show you off by humbling myself and allowing your character to mold me. You are my God and I praise you!


June 19, 2012


This is one of the many adventures I never really saw coming or planned for..HOME SCHOOL. For what seems like a million reasons..Robert and I keep feeling compelled to teach our kids at home for now. As we put it..this is God's plan now..next year may change..but we feel sure that this is where God wants our family for this season. Now..that's all easy to say but let me tell you..for this Momma it's been quite a journey. You would think with an education degree and a slightly outgoing personality that nothing about this would be difficult..but I've really struggled with it. I admit this, because it's amazing to me how easy it seems to so very many. I've spent many a night stressing over how many sight words my kiddos know..did I cover what a constant was?..what if I miss the missing link between memorization and developmental thinking..do they really get it or did I go over that too quickly?? Will they socialize well, can they count by 2's or to 100 yet? Did I take into consideration science and history this week? I bought too much material to honestly admit on this post. I decided I had to take a dive and stay consistent even if I had no idea what I was doing and just go with what my head and heart felt was best for my blessings..I guess that's it. It amazes me how much responsibility I feel over the incredible gifts I've been given. I know they can go off the deep end no matter what you do..but if I can help it there will be mountains of Momma lessons that will keep his/her behind, mind and soul on the narrow and far away from that wide path. I pray that they will learn now by us and later will seek wisdom on their own..not mine but God's.
Back to homeschooling..well we started a full fledged schedule again, this time with loads of work to be done and I'll admit it was rough at first. We had always worked in booklets for preschool but a complete curriculum (multiple) was slightly overwhelming and being pregob-lets just say there were times that only a time with God and some awesome music kept me going -with the ever great Dr. Pepper..but now I must say..we have arrived:)..ok...well arrived at a happy school zone! I still have a ton to study for next week but day to day it's really becoming a blast! I'm seeing Johnathon reading sentences, Ms. Evelyn writing well, and even Alivia plays with her puzzles quietly after her work is done. Now everyone knows what I must be thinking..what about when Vivianne gets here?! Well my plan is to trust God..continue leaning on him and stay faithful. Saying it's easy..I know doing it is harder than tough. But..I've seen a glimmer of where my kids are headed -  towards wisdom..towards God..towards loving each other and I'm excited..that type of hope is what keeps me going when my eyes are crossed with lack of sleep and my body is giving out. Here are some pictures of our last day on the creation unit..it's titled What our God has Made - and hasn't He made such an abundance of incredible breathtaking creatures! Nature truly declares his glory!
