January 2, 2012

Super Heroes - Are We Ready?

So I'm pretty late getting back into the swing of things. These were taken right after Neewollah - our small towns version of Halloween. My new years promise to my hubby and kiddos is to blog again..so here we go. What can I say..Robert has always loved Captain America - his favorite super hero by far and when we went to the Disney store and saw a Johnathon sized costume..well it just majorly escalated from there:)! So..here is my super hero family. As I think about what kind of hero my son is going to grow up to be and as he and my daughter race around our house yelling spiderman I wonder..what am I setting them up for? Good vs. Evil. Good always wins right? I look at the state of our nation, the state of the world and I think how does that look now..is good really winning? Yet deep inside me cries..YES! We will win.....because God word says so and I believe...yes I believe. For Super heros are made during hard times..not easy ones. We don't need captain america when we're all doing great. We need heros during times when things are dark and dim. We need someone to show compassion when they shouldn't, to care whenever it's easier to be selfish, to sacrifice when it is hardest. A super hero is one who isn't revealed until the going gets tough...because that's where true character is shown. For now..my kiddos will fly around the house..walk up the fridge and try amazing stunts to show their super hero skills. What they don't know is the true super hero is being built inside them every day. Their character honed by the word of God and cradled in my and Robert's arms will be developed and will be eventually tested of my little warriors. What a challenge for my husband and I. I pray that as things crash around us..we might all stand up be Super heroes..to do the right thing no matter the cost..to show compassion when none is deserved..to work hard when it doesn't make sense or doesn't pays off..to love the unlovable..to give until there is nothing left...to fight when it looks dark and dim..for we will win (and honestly even if we didn't I'd rather live and die working to be an awesome super hero than live less).